Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 3 - Class

Today I had my first day of classes. I absolutely love my class with Edwin! Today we learned realistic vocab. and then created a small scavenger hunt using what we learned. It was awesome creating the clues and then using the other student's clues to find schocolate. Yes, we got free chocolate. :-)

Between classes I went for a swim with Andy and then other students joined us and we chatted about the school and the culture here. It is interesting and beneficial to talk with students who have been here a week or more because they inform you on where to go and where is cheap.

Here is a pic. of the iguna we saw while swimming. It was maybe 10 feet away.

After classes I signed up to see Tortugas (turtles) tomorrow and this amazing trip that isn't until next Saturday.

Okay...just ate an awesome dinner! I love sharing cooking duties along with splitting the cost of food.

Some gal just invited us to watch a movie downstairs..so adios amigos.

Accomplishment Day 3: Understanding the instructors..they only speak spanish.


  1. Oh, what movie and what language is it in? Also nice job on finding where to avoid the tourist trap prices and splitting food/cooking costs with friends. Be sure and take plenty of pics of the turtles tomorrow!

  2. looks like someone is having fun

  3. They only speak spanish... go figure.

  4. @ Matt: I think it was called wolfman? And suprisingly it was in English. I don't think I can avoid the tourist price much but any bit helps. And I will take a MILLION pics! :)

    @Dad: oh really? who? where? JK, it is a ton of fun!

    @Mom: who would have thunk it?
