Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 12 & 13 - Testing, Germany, Italy & window shopping?

Sidenote...yesterday I went to the Monkey Park as part of my class. We learned about the animals by our guide and also by asking questions, everything in Spanish. I found their website online afterwards and I think I might have to return here one day to volunteer at the park. They provide a bed, bathroom, a bike and food. What more does a person need? I want to do good and that just makes sense.

Day 12:

Dear first test,
I hope you met your match today.
Yes I had my first test today and as much as I studied over the days and did some extra last minute cramming, I am pretty sure I did alright. One thing about me though, I don't like to settle for alright. I prefer awesome, amazing, spectacular and ect. to describe all that I do.
I'll find out Monday how I did. If I did really good, then I can move up again, which would be AWESOME! I like working with people that are slightly better than me. It doesn't make me feel bad, it just makes me want to work harder to achieve their level.

Day 13:

Dear possible future students,
Love the German baker. Wow! Everything he brings is AMAZING (and very decently priced!!!!)Today I bought a slice of chocolate cake and a ham and cheese cresent.
Well me and the Italian guy (When everyone is from different countries all over the world this is not considered a negative thing to replace their name with their home location, and it is very common) went to lunch. He showed me a local place for meals and it was easy to tell it was not a tourist place. :-) So while I had a person from another country with me, I couldn't help my self...I asked a MILLION questions. On the way to lunch, at lunch on the way home and even a little bit afterwards. The subject? ITALY
I find myself being nosy with every person here. I want to know everything about their county and if it is at all like the movies portray. I want to know their culture, weather, social activites and social norms.
Later, my roommate and I went window shopping for a couple hours. Now we are watching a movie in Spanish.

Tip 4: Bring old flip flops and be thankful of the roads you have. Your legs will always be muddy.
Tip 5: Learn more than Spanish. Cultures from all around the world live at the school. Utilize that, take advantage of the opportunity and learn about the world while your here.


  1. I can't believe you've been in Costa Rica for two weeks already!!! So was your test all written or was it part verbal? How does it compare to the Spanish tests you've had at OCCC?

    I've heard good things about German pastries and cakes from Gaby. I know they know their chocolate. Yummmmmy.

    You'll have to tell me what you learned about Italy. All I know is it's acceptable to taste the sauce and then continue to cook with the same spoon.

    Hope you didn't get bit up watching the movie.

    Great tips...

  2. Hey, don't remind me. I'm going to miss it here! Hrm..tests, well they are similar to OCCC. Maybe easier, but I will have to see tomorrow. It technically was supposed to be oral too but since no one showed we just chatted in I think that counted. :)

    They are DELICIOUS!!!

    My roomie cooks like that too, and with wooden spoons too...its odd. Yeah, i'm going to have to have a storytime/picture show when I come back!


    P.S. mom, I LOVE YOU! :)

  3. Do the Italians boil the spoons before returning them to their stirring job (learned about the using the same spoon trick from Chef Ramsey on Hell's Kitchen)?
