Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 15 - Moving day

Had an amazing breakfast with Steaphanie today. We made cinnamon sugar apples with cinnamon sugar tortillas. I don't think it was all too healthy but very delicious!

Afterwards and throwing a few last minute items into my bag I moved into my host family. They are VERY sweet! I live with a mom, her son and two other students. There is also this family friend guy who is learning english so we were helping each other out. Although him making me explain English in Spanish helped me more than I think I helped him.
My new bedroom!

After a few hours us homestay girls left for dinner..a birthday dinner! Good friends, good food, good scenery...what could be better?

The birthday girl and her family.

Accomplishment Day 15: Taking my first taxi...anywhere.


  1. So who is the birthday girl? Is she one of the girls at your home stay, or friends of "the family"? It looks like the dinner was at a festive place. I live the little lights around the ceiling.

    I really like the looks of your bedroom, there's a peacefulness about it. Just in case you haven't done this, be sure to get a picture of you and your host family...

  2. The bday girl is the one sitting down. She is a student who does stay at a homestay, but not mine. The siblings are a reall cool group of people. I enjoy their positive energy.
    The place, Le Beach Club, is an awesome atmosphere!

    Yeah, I love their house its cute an quainte. Just plum adorable. I havent yet but I deff. will!

  3. You'll have to show me more of these tortillas:) Love the looks of your room- looks like you're staying in a very homey and comfy place. Reminds me of a grandma's house or something:) Hope you learn even more Spanish here!
